- (—?—), Abigail (Follett-Nason) to Ault, Lillie (Pfeiffer)
- Austin, Abigail (Bachelder) to Bitner, Mildred Ernestine
- Bittecuffer, Edward to Brown, Yvonne
- Browne, Rachael to Caldwell, Mary Agnes
- Caldwell, Mary Elizabeth (House) to Colburn, Zachariah
- Coldam, Clement to Diamond, Rebecca (Norman)
- Dias, Rebecca (Simmons) to Entzminger, Mabel
- Estcourt, Edmund to Ferror, William
- Fewox, Burtis Doyle to Green, Sarah Jane (Simmons)
- Greene, Abigail to Hart, Sarah (Maule)
- Hartshorn, Nancy (Stone) to Hornberger, Diana
- Horne, Laura Euphemia (Hanks) to Key, Sarah (Jenkins)
- Keyes, Hannah (Scarborough) to Littlefield, Nicholas
- Littlefield, Nicholas to McDaniel, Patti Darnell
- McDonald, Sally Jo (Hand) to Munson, Emily Elizabeth
- Munson, Emily Elizabeth (Burnaby) to Norwood, Lydia
- Norwood, Lydia (—?—) to Perkins, Thomasine (Besacle)
- Perkins, William Clement to Richardson, Calvin
- Richardson, Carl C. to Richardson, Thomas Henry
- Richardson, Timothy to Shiflet, Wanda Jean (Mitchell)
- Shipley, Lucy to Stevens, William Bailey
- Stevenson, Sarah (Deberry) to Thimbleby, Richard Knt.
- Thomas, Abel to Wallace, Lillian Hays (Munson)
- Waller, Charles Jesse to Williamson, Yumiko (Fujimura)
- Willick, Anne (—?—) to Zimmerman, Ann