Richard White1 
d. between 31 October 1706 and 7 July 1708
6th great-grandfather of Louise Underwood.
8th great-grandfather of Laura Jane Munson.
- Family Background:
- Underwood and Allied Families
- Appears on charts:
- Pedigree for Louise Underwood
Richard White married as his second wife Sarah (—?—) (Hanks-White), widow of William Hanks I, before 5 December 1705.2,3 He died between 31 October 1706 and 7 July 1708 in Richmond County, Virginia.4
The mother of his children is not known. He married, probably at an advanced age, Sarah, the widow of William Hanks I. Sarah's son, William Hanks II, married Richard's granddaughter, Hester Mills.
The mother of his children is not known. He married, probably at an advanced age, Sarah, the widow of William Hanks I. Sarah's son, William Hanks II, married Richard's granddaughter, Hester Mills.
Additional Data
As husband of Sarah, who at the time of their marriage was the widow of William Hanks I, Richard White participated equally with the three Hanks children in the division of William's estate, 20 November 1705, each share amounting to 8945 pounds of tobacco. "Equally" only means that each heir received a share of equal value. The Law of Primogeniture dictated that William II was heir to all the land. Under this law, the eldest living son (the "heir at law") inherited all the real property of the father if the father died intestate.5
Richard White made a will on 31 October 1706 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia. Mentioned in the will were sons John, Thomas, William; daughters Hester, Susannah; and wife Sarah. All land was to be equally divided between sons Thomas and William. Executor, son Thomas; witnesses, George Murdock, John Willcock[s], and John Callehan.6
Richard White made a will on 31 October 1706 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia. Mentioned in the will were sons John, Thomas, William; daughters Hester, Susannah; and wife Sarah. All land was to be equally divided between sons Thomas and William. Executor, son Thomas; witnesses, George Murdock, John Willcock[s], and John Callehan.6
Children of Richard White
- [S267] Adin Baber, Nancy Hanks, of Undistinguished Families; a genealogical, biographical, and historical study of the ancestry of the mother of Abraham Lincoln (Kansas, Illinois: Adin Baber, 1960).
- [S294] Barbara A. Baber, online <…>, Barbara A. Baber (Monroe, Ohio), downloaded 1998.
- [S320] Robert K. Headley Jr., Married Well and Often; Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia 1649-1800 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2003), 374.
- [S320] Robert K. Headley Jr., Married Well and Often; Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia 1649-1800, 246.
- [S323] Connie Lynn Hornbaker, "Ancestors of Virginia and Kristen Hoye," online <…>, downloaded 1999, citing Will Book 2: 88.
- [S321] Robert K. Headley Jr., Wills of Richmond County, Virginia 1699-1800 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983), 16 citing f120v.