This effort is in memory of my grandaunt,
Miss Laura Underwood, of East Columbia, Texas,
who awakened my interest in family history when I was still small
enough to sit in her lap. Throughout my childhood I remained an
attentive audience as Aunty passed along family lore to yet
another generation. When I was ten or eleven, she gave me a
collection of memorabilia and family photographs that were kept
in an old trunk beside her bed. Already I had spent many happy
hours rummaging through that trunk, and I could barely believe my
good fortune. Some fifty years later, Aunty's gift to her little
namesake inspired the design of this site. Most all of the images
(excluding icons) and many of the photographs on the following
pages are from that collection.
Family history research is an ongoing effort, and I have
undoubtedly made errors of inclusion, exclusion, interpretation
and judgement. Furthermore, because the quality of sources
varies, so does the quality of information. I therefore urge each
person to use his or her own judgement, and verify whenever
possible. I am always happy to answer any questions, and welcome
any comments, corrections or additional information.
To rummage through our family history, please use the menu in
"Aunty's Trunk" - or if the trunk doesn't open, use the expanded
menu below.
A direct ancestor of the compiler, Laura M. Cooper, and her
brothers, Joe Jr. and George Munson (Windmill J brand registered in Brazoria County to
Laura M. Cooper; originally registered to Joe U.
A person related through George
Poindexter Munson II, the compiler's paternal
grandfather: (Windmill brand registered in Brazoria County to Joe
U. Munson; designed by and originally registered to George P. Munson)
A person related through Louise
Underwood, the compiler's paternal grandmother (Ammon Underwood's 'initial' brand registered in Brazoria
County in 1848)
A person related through William
Lemuel Horn Jr., the compiler's maternal
grandfather: (Crescent Arrow brand registered in Brazoria County
to Ruth Anna (Horn) Munson)
A person related through Ruth
Minerva Fairfield, the compiler's maternal
grandmother: (in recognition of the New England seafaring history of the
Fairfield family)
Immigrant to America
There is a photo on the person page. Most person page
images link to a larger image or thumbnail index.
Link to a photo
Link to a gravestone photo
Link to a text or document
Link to an Adobe Acrobat file that
requires at minimum the free Adobe
Link to an external Internet site
Acronyms and
d.s.p.[Latin] descessit sine
parole; died without issue
nfknothing further
NNNo (given) Name
Wholly Genes The
Master Genealogist, "The complete family history project
John Cardinal's TMG Utility, "the
essential TMG companion tool"
John Cardinal's Second Site 3, TMG
companion program for Web site creation
recommend Mozilla Firefox as a superior
alternative to Internet Explorer.

We're family, too!
Lulu and Ziggy