William Norwood1

b. before 1623
William Norwood|b. b 1623|p4033.htm|Richard Norwood|b. c 1575\nd. a 1623|p4146.htm|Elizabeth Studart||p4147.htm|William Norwood|d. 23 Sep 1632|p4386.htm|Elizabeth Lygon||p4385.htm|Nicholas Studart L.L.D.||p4387.htm||||
7th great-grandfather of William Lemuel Horn Jr.
9th great-grandfather of Laura Jane Munson.
- Family Background:
- Horn and Allied Families
- Appears on charts:
- Pedigree for William Lemuel Horn II
William Norwood was born in England before 1623 as he appears in the Heralds Visitations of that year.1 He was the son of Richard Norwood and Elizabeth Studart.1 He married Lydia.1 His will was proved on 7 March 1703 in Surry County, Virginia.1
William Norwood of Leckhampton, Gloucestershire, England, was a member of the Norwood family of Leckhampton. He was a cousin of Colonel Henry Norwood, Treasurer of Virginia, and of Captain Charles Norwood, Clerk of the Virginia House of Burgesses in the 17th century. Through his grandmother, Elizabeth Lygon, he was descended in two lines from Edward I, King of England, and through his great-grandmother, Katherine Throckmorton, he was descended from John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, son of Edward II and Philippa of Hainault.
William Norwood's first appearance in the Virginia Records was on 6 October 1649 when Thomas Gyor deeded him land in in Isle of Wight County, Virginia.2 On 23 January 1653/54 William Norwood was deeded land in Surry County, Virginia, by John Blackborne3 and he continued to live in Surry the rest of his life. He was involved in a lawsuit with Carberry Kegan of Isle of Wight County in 1653 and 1654, which is mentioned several times in the Virginia records; but finally sold the land in dispute to Mr. Kegan 9 December 1656.1 He was exempted from taxes 4 July 1682 in Surry County, Virginia, showing that he was at least 60 years of age at the time.4
The will of William Norwood, dated 6 January 1702/3 and probated in Surry County, Virginia, leaves his property to his sons Edward, George and Richard; to his daughters Sarah Norwood, Elizabeth Branch, Lydia Sowerby, and Mary Norwood; to his granddaughter Elizabeth Branch; and to his wife Lydia.1
William Norwood of Leckhampton, Gloucestershire, England, was a member of the Norwood family of Leckhampton. He was a cousin of Colonel Henry Norwood, Treasurer of Virginia, and of Captain Charles Norwood, Clerk of the Virginia House of Burgesses in the 17th century. Through his grandmother, Elizabeth Lygon, he was descended in two lines from Edward I, King of England, and through his great-grandmother, Katherine Throckmorton, he was descended from John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, son of Edward II and Philippa of Hainault.
William Norwood's first appearance in the Virginia Records was on 6 October 1649 when Thomas Gyor deeded him land in in Isle of Wight County, Virginia.2 On 23 January 1653/54 William Norwood was deeded land in Surry County, Virginia, by John Blackborne3 and he continued to live in Surry the rest of his life. He was involved in a lawsuit with Carberry Kegan of Isle of Wight County in 1653 and 1654, which is mentioned several times in the Virginia records; but finally sold the land in dispute to Mr. Kegan 9 December 1656.1 He was exempted from taxes 4 July 1682 in Surry County, Virginia, showing that he was at least 60 years of age at the time.4
The will of William Norwood, dated 6 January 1702/3 and probated in Surry County, Virginia, leaves his property to his sons Edward, George and Richard; to his daughters Sarah Norwood, Elizabeth Branch, Lydia Sowerby, and Mary Norwood; to his granddaughter Elizabeth Branch; and to his wife Lydia.1

Children of William Norwood and Lydia (—?—) (Norwood)
- Edward Norwood+1 b. 1662/63
- Elizabeth Norwood+5
- Lydia Norwood+
- William Norwood Jr.5 d. b 1703
- George Norwood+5 b. 1676/77, d. 1749
- Richard Norwood5 b. 1679/80, d. 1731
- Sarah Norwood5
- Mary Norwood6
- [S554] John Bennett Boddie, Virginia Historical Genealogies (Redwood City, California: Clearfield Company, 1954; reprint Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1999), 334.
- [S554] John Bennett Boddie, Virginia Historical Genealogies, 334, citing Isle of Wight D. & W. No. 1, 1662-1715, p. 396.
- [S554] John Bennett Boddie, Virginia Historical Genealogies, 334, citing Book 1, p. 66.
- [S554] John Bennett Boddie, Virginia Historical Genealogies, 334, citing Order Bk. No. 1, p. 378.
- [S554] John Bennett Boddie, Virginia Historical Genealogies, 335.
- [S554] John Bennett Boddie, Virginia Historical Genealogies, 336.