Wayne was formed in 1779 from Dobbs. It was named in honor of Anthony Wayne, one of Washington's most trusted soldiers. It is in the eastern section of the State and is bounded by Greene, Lenoir, Duplin, Sampson, Johnston and Wilson counties. The present land area is 552.57 square miles and the 2000 population was 113,329. The act establishing the county provided that the first court should be held at the home of Josiah Sasser at which time the justices were to decide on a place for all subsequent courts until a courthouse could be erected. By 1782 the commissioners were named. In 1787 an act was passed establishing Waynesborough on the west side of the Neuse on the land of Andrew Bass "where the courthouse now stands." In 1845, and again in 1847, acts were passed moving the courthouse from Waynesborough to Goldsboro provided the people voted for the same. Goldsboro is the county seat.