- [S1] Texas. Brazoria County. County Clerk's Office, Angleton. Birth Registers. Laura Jane Munson entry.
- [S2] Texas. Brazoria County. County Clerk's Office, Angleton. Marriage Registers.
- [S4] Texas. Harris County. County Clerk's Office, Houston. Marriage Registers.
- [S5] Texas. Brazoria County. County Clerk's Office, Angleton. Birth Registers. Joseph Underwood Munson entry.
- [S6] Texas. Brazoria County. County Clerk's Office, Angleton. Birth Registers. Ruth Anna Horn entry.
- [S7] Texas. Austin. Department of Public Health. Death Registrations. Joseph Underwood Munson certificate.
- [S8] Texas. Brazoria County. Old Columbia Cemetery, West Columbia. Tombstone data.
- [S9] Laura M. Cooper. 1804 Holm Oak St., Arlington, Texas.
- [S10] Munson, Ruth Anna (Horn), interview. 5 January 2003, at Downing St.; Angleton, TX 77515. Transcript held in 2003 by interviewer, Laura Munson Cooper; 1804 Holm Oak St.; Arlington, TX 76012-5608.
- [S11] Texas. Brazoria County. County Clerk's Office, Angleton. Birth Registers. Joseph Underwood Munson Jr. entry.
- [S12] Ancestry.com. Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997. [database online]. Provo, UT: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.
- [S13] Texas. Brazoria County. County Clerk's Office, Angleton. Birth Registers. George Kennedy Munson entry.
- [S14] Ancestry.com. Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002. [database online]. Provo, UT: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.
- [S15] Texas. District Clerk's Office, Angleton. Divorce Records.
- [S16] Texas. Brazoria County. County Clerk's Office, Angleton. Death Registers. George P. Munson entry.

- [S17] Texas. Brazoria County. Munson Family Cemetery, Bailey's Prairie. Tombstone data.
- [S18] Munson, Agnes Davis, family data. Unknown bible title. N.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date. Original owned in 1996 by Della (Caldwell) Hanly, Rosharon, TX.
- [S19] Texas, Brazoria County. County Clerk's Office, Angleton. Probate file no. 1115, 1884, Munson Minors.
- [S20] Williamson, Thurmond A.. The Munsons of Texas, an American Saga. First Edition manuscript. Dallas: n.pub., 1987.
- [S21] Texas. Brazoria County. County Clerk's Office, Angleton. Brand Books, 1900-1905.
- [S22] Munson, Joe, interview. Downing St.; Angleton, TX 77515. Transcript held in 2003 by interviewer, Laura Munson Cooper; 1804 Holm Oak St.; Arlington, TX 76012-5608.
- [S29] Social Security Death Index, RootsWeb. Provo: MyFamily.com Inc., 2005.
- [S31] Texas Department of Health Death Records, 1964-1998. Online <http://vitals.rootsweb.com/tx/death/search.cgi>.
- [S32] Munson, Ruth Anna (Horn), interview. Downing St.; Angleton, TX 77515. Transcript held in 2003 by interviewer, Laura Munson Cooper; 1804 Holm Oak St.; Arlington, TX 76012-5608.
- [S37] Texas. Brazoria County. 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule. Micropublication T626, roll 2301. Washington: National Archives.
- [S38] Texas. Brazoria County. 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule. Micropublication T625, roll 1774. Washington: National Archives.
- [S48] Texas. Brazoria County. County Clerk's Office, Angleton. Probate file 2100, 1925. J.P. Underwood.
- [S50] Texas. Brazoria County. 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule. Micropublication T624, roll 1534. Washington: National Archives.
- [S51] Texas. Brazoria County. 1900 U.S. Census, population schedule. Micropublication T623, roll 1614. Washington: National Archives.
- [S52] Texas. Brazoria County. 1880 U.S. Census, population schedule. Micropublication T9, roll 1292. Washington: National Archives.
- [S53] Texas. Brazoria County. 1870 U.S. Census, population schedule. Micropublication M593, roll 1576. Washington: National Archives.
- [S54] Texas. Brazoria County. 1860 U.S. Census, population schedule. Micropublication M653, roll 1289. Washington: National Archives.
- [S55] Texas. Brazoria County. 1850 U.S. Census, population schedule. Micropublication M432, roll 908. Washington: National Archives.
- [S57] Texas. Brazoria County. County Clerk's Office, Angleton. Will books, 1891.
- [S94] Texas. Brazoria County. County Clerk's Office, Angleton. Probate file 1159, 1888. Ammon Underwood.
- [S194] North Carolina. Chatham County. Pittsboro United Methodist Church Cemetery, Pittsboro. Tombstone data.
- [S269] North Carolina. Chatham County. 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule. Micropublication T624, roll 1102. Washington: National Archives.
- [S270] North Carolina. Chatham County. 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule. Micropublication T625, roll 1289. Washington: National Archives.

- [S395] Brooks, Dennis "Brooks Family." E-mail message from <e-mail address> at Pittsboro, North Carolina. 27 June 1999.
- [S427] Texas. Brazoria County. Angleton Cemetery, Angleton. Tombstone data.
- [S433] Texas. Jefferson County. 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule. Micropublication T626, roll 2362. Washington: National Archives.

- [S679] Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997. Austin: Texas Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics.
- [S704] The Munsons of Texas - an American Saga. Online <www.munsons-of-texas.net>. Arlington, Texas: Thurmond A. Williamson & Laura M. Cooper, 2005.
- [S918] World War I Selective Service Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. National Archives Micropublication M1509. Original images published online by Ancestry.com, Provo, UT, 2002-2005.
- [S941] North Carolina Marriage Collection, 1741-2000. Online <http://www.ancestry.com>.
- [S1132] Texas Department of Health. Texas Death Indexes, 1903-2000. Austin: Texas Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit, unknown publish date.
- [S1137] National Archives and Records Administration. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946. Provo, Utah: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.
- [S1204] Texas. Austin. Department of Public Health. Death Certificate. Diggs, Laura Underwood certificate.

- [S1212] Texas. Austin. Department of Public Health. Death Certificate. Munson, George Poindexter certificate.
- [S1229] Munson, George, telephone conversation. 24 November 2008, at Bailey's Prairie, TX Laura Munson Cooper; Arlington, TX.