Individual(s) in or Relating to this Picture:

Click to point out this person in the picture. Sarah Kimbrough Munson

Click to point out this person in the picture. Hannah Dyer Adriance

Click to point out this person in the picture. Ruth Munson

Click to point out this person in the picture. Mordello Stephen Munson II

Click to point out this person in the picture. Colonel John Adriance

Click to point out this person in the picture. Sallie Adriance

Click to point out this person in the picture. Kitty Nash Adriance

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Picture ID: 437
Picture Date: Abt. 1896
Location: Brazoria County, Texas
Picture Description: At the Adriance home
Entered into Album: 1/14/2005

Compiler: Laura M. Cooper, Arlington, Texas
Site updated on 20 May 2009; 6,955 people
Page created by John Cardinal's Second Site v3.0.0.  |  Web site design by Laura Munson Cooper