Elizabeth Black1 
Elizabeth Black||p11260.htm|Philip Black Jr.|b. c 1775\nd. 2 Aug 1823|p10393.htm|Catharine Baughman|b. c 1777\nd. 26 Aug 1854|p10394.htm|Philip Black|b. c 1750|p11287.htm||||Abraham Baughman|b. 1749/50\nd. Jan 1827|p11376.htm|Mary K. Deeds||p11377.htm|
Great-grandaunt of Ruth Minerva Fairfield.
3rd great-grandaunt of Laura Jane Munson.
- Family Background:
- Fairfield and Allied Families
Elizabeth Black was probably born in Washington County, Pennsylvania.1 She was the daughter of Philip Black Jr. and Catharine Baughman.1 She married Shadrack Nichols on 2 June 1822 in Stark County, Ohio.2,3
Additional Data
Elizabeth Nichols was mentioned in her brother Peter Black's will in Tuscarawas County, Ohio.3
- [S949] "Francis Cordrey Journal," (MS, 1897; Fort Wayne, Indiana); Charles Horn; Pasadena, Texas. Hereinafter cited as "Cordrey Journal". In a handwritten journal, or more precisely a ledger that he used as a journal, Francis wrote the family history as he knew it. It was among a collection of Cordrey papers and memorabilia that was given to Charles Horn by Francis' granddaughters, Coreinne Bitner and Mildred Bitner Stier.
- [S1106] Married, Ohio Repository, Canton, Ohio, 4 July 1822, 3, 3, "On the 2d inst. Mr. Shadrack Nichols to Miss Elizabeth Black, daughter of Philip Black, all of this township."
- [S1085] Joan Black Lund, online <http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~joanlund/black/…>, Joan Black Lund (Illinois), downloaded 2007, citing Will Book 1 page 86, dated 1847.