The Will of Henrie Farror of Ewewood, dated 25 June 1548... firste and principally I bequeath my soule unto Almightie God my maker and Redemer and my bodie to be buried within the churche of Heptonstalle and my mortuarie to the Vicare thereof accordinge to the Kings Statuts ordeined for that purpose also I ordaine and make Agnes Ferror my wif and Agnes Ferror my yongest dowghter myne executrices unto whom I give and bequeathe all my hool goods and cattalles and detts in whose hands soever they bee also I will and give unto the saide Agnes my wife and Agnes my doughter myne executrices and to their assignes all those my messuages lands tents meadowes woods pastures rents revsions and vices with thapputeunces in Midgelaie in the Countie of Yorks called the Overwheycteleyghe nowe in the tenures of me the said Henrie Ferror, Robte Helywell, John Hyen, Thomas Helywell, Chrofer Helywell, and Henrie Cawinforthe, because they are holden by sokeaige tenure unto thend and terme of xi yeres be fullye complete and ended nexte immediately after my decease to the use prefaremente and marriage of the said Agnes my doughter and towards the painge of my detts also I orden and make John Ferror of the Elffaburghe, John Horsfall of Stoythlaye, Willm Ferror and Henrie Ferror my sones, the supvisors of this my present will and testament to see it fulfilled and executed in all things. Thies witnes John Feror of Averods, Henrie Cawinforthe [Bomforthe], Robert Bentlaie, clerke, and others.
On 26 Nov. 1549 the will of Henrie Ferror late of Ewewood Chapelrie of Heptonstall in the diocese of York deceased was proved in the Exchequer Court of York by Agnes Ferror relict of the deceased and Agnes Ferror daughter of the deceased the Executrixes in the said Will names. (York, 13/597.)