In the name of God Amen the first daye of Januarie Anno Dm 1597. I Nicholas Putnam of Stutely being sicke in bodie but of a whole mind Pfict memorrie thank be to god doe dedeyn and make this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge, first I bequeath my Sowle to Almighti god my bodie to be buried in Christen menes buriall,
It. I geve unto John my Sonne all my howes and landes being in the fielde and towne of Abbots Aston when he cometh to age.
It. I geve unto my wife all my goodes untill such time as my sonne John cometh to age and then he to have halfe (with her?).
It. I will that yf my wife and my sonne cannot agree to dwell together that then my sonne John shall paye unto my wife Vlb a yeare as longe as she liveth yf she keepe her widdowe, yf she marrye then my sonne to paye her Vlb a year soe iij yeares after her marriage and no longer.
It I geve unto my iiij children Thomas, Richard, Anne, and Elizabeth to everi one of them Xlb to be payd them by my wife and my sonne John when they come to the age of xxi yeares,
It I make my wife and Sonne John my executors jointley together to Receive my debtes.Their hearing witness Wm. Meade, Bennet Conley and John Meade wth others Prov. xxvij, Sept. 1598. (Arch. Bucks.)