John Pickering1

b. 1609, d. 11 January 1668/69
7th great-grandfather of Ruth Minerva Fairfield.
9th great-grandfather of Laura Jane Munson.
- Family Background:
- Fairfield and Allied Families
- Appears on charts:
- Pedigree for Ruth Minerva Fairfield
John Pickering was born by about 1609 (assuming he was an adult when he first appeared in New England).1,2 He died between 11 January 1668/69 (date of will) and 29 January 1668/69 (date of inventory).2
John Pickering, a carpenter, migrated to New England in 1630 and settled at Piscataqua, New Hampshire, before 1635/36.2 This settlement was soon renamed Strawberry Banke, and later Portsmouth. Robert Charles Anderson, in his Great Migration study, concludes that although there were at least two of the name in early New England, John Pickering of Piscataqua was the only one who arrived prior to 1634. He notes, however, that this conclusion could easily be reversed.
John Pickering, a carpenter, migrated to New England in 1630 and settled at Piscataqua, New Hampshire, before 1635/36.2 This settlement was soon renamed Strawberry Banke, and later Portsmouth. Robert Charles Anderson, in his Great Migration study, concludes that although there were at least two of the name in early New England, John Pickering of Piscataqua was the only one who arrived prior to 1634. He notes, however, that this conclusion could easily be reversed.
Additional Data
On 28 September 1630 "John Boggust & John Pickryn" were ordered to sit in the stocks together for four hours at Salem for being accessories to the crimes of John Goulworth and Henry Lynn.3
On 6 September 1634 John Pickering made his mark to a receipt settling accounts between himself and Ambrose Gibbons for work done during 1633 and 1634. The tasks performed indicate that Pickering was a housewright.4
On 1 March 1635/36 "Henry Joslyn, gent., John Pickrin, & Nicholas Frost, all of Paskataq[ua], have forfeited their recognizance of £100 for not appearing at this Court"5, but when Nicholas Frost did appear at court on 5 April 1636 they were "discharged of their recognizance of £100."6
John Pickering signed the grant of the glebe (parish church property) on 25 May 1640 at Portsmouth.7
On 5 July 1643 "William & John Pickering [were] enjoined to deliver the old Combination at Strawberry Banck the next court."8 (Anderson believes that this record is defective, that there is no evidence of a William Pickering in Portsmouth at this date, and therefore, William's surname was probably omitted).
On 1 July 1654 "Marke Hands of Boston, nailer," sold to "John Pickringe of the river of Pascataquacke an Irish servant man brought over by me Mr. George Dill as a captive & ordered by him to me to make sale of, for the term of five years."9
On 7 May 1657 "Denis Mekermecke the Irish man is ordered by the Court to serve his master John Pickringe the whole five years his said master having bond against him. By three evidences in court George Walton for stirring up Dennis the Irish man against his master John Pickringe in giving abusive words is fined five pounds."10
On 7 May 1657, John Pickering was Coroner's jury foreman.11
John Pickering took the Freeman's Oath on 11 July 1659 at Portsmouth court.12
On 2 February 1663/64 John Pickering appeared on his presentment for not coming to meeting, he alleged no discontent against Mr. Moodey nor dislike of the ordinance, only his great deafness, whereupon the Court desire him to come when he can in warm weather."13
On 28 June 1664 John Pickering sued the town of Portsmouth "for detaining grants of land"; the dispute was referred to appointed arbiters.14
On 17 November 1665 John Pickering the elder of Portsmouth, New Hampshire," deeded to "my son John Pickering the younger ... all that my water grist mill," and "all my neck of land" containing forty acres of upland, with half the dwelling house and half the marsh.15
John Pickering was Portsmouth constable for the year following 25 June 1667.16
On 17 September 1667 "Jno. Pickering Senior for not permitting his servant Hen[ry] Brooking to come to the public ordinance, not proved, Jno. Pickering professing that he did & doth send him, he is discharged."17
On 30 June 1668 John Pickering Senior sued "Ano. Stanniell … in an action of the case for that the said Staniell hath not made good an engagement of £110 upon condition of a marriage of said Staniel's daughter with said Pickering's son: withdrawn."18
In his will, dated 11 January 1668/69, "John Pickern Senior" bequeathed to "my dear son Thomas Pickrin my dwelling house and land adjoining to the Great Bay," along with cattle, household goods and tools; to "my two daughters Rebecah and Abigall I give that fifty pounds due by bill to be paid by Mr. Antony Stanell [Stanyan]" with some livestock, to be divided equally between them; and to "my two daughters Mary & Sarah" livestock to be equally divided between them.19 The inventory of his estate, taken 29 January 1668/9, totalled £303 4s. 6d.19
Administration on the imperfect will of John Pickering was granted to son John Pickering on 29 June 1669.20 The same day "Rebecca Pickering & Abigall Pickering came before this Court and chose Mr. Joshua Moodey to be their guardian. Thomas Pickering being under age & not in legal capacity to choose his guardian, this Court therefore appoints Mr. Joshua Moody to be his guardian."21
On 6 September 1634 John Pickering made his mark to a receipt settling accounts between himself and Ambrose Gibbons for work done during 1633 and 1634. The tasks performed indicate that Pickering was a housewright.4
On 1 March 1635/36 "Henry Joslyn, gent., John Pickrin, & Nicholas Frost, all of Paskataq[ua], have forfeited their recognizance of £100 for not appearing at this Court"5, but when Nicholas Frost did appear at court on 5 April 1636 they were "discharged of their recognizance of £100."6
John Pickering signed the grant of the glebe (parish church property) on 25 May 1640 at Portsmouth.7
On 5 July 1643 "William & John Pickering [were] enjoined to deliver the old Combination at Strawberry Banck the next court."8 (Anderson believes that this record is defective, that there is no evidence of a William Pickering in Portsmouth at this date, and therefore, William's surname was probably omitted).
On 1 July 1654 "Marke Hands of Boston, nailer," sold to "John Pickringe of the river of Pascataquacke an Irish servant man brought over by me Mr. George Dill as a captive & ordered by him to me to make sale of, for the term of five years."9
On 7 May 1657 "Denis Mekermecke the Irish man is ordered by the Court to serve his master John Pickringe the whole five years his said master having bond against him. By three evidences in court George Walton for stirring up Dennis the Irish man against his master John Pickringe in giving abusive words is fined five pounds."10
On 7 May 1657, John Pickering was Coroner's jury foreman.11
John Pickering took the Freeman's Oath on 11 July 1659 at Portsmouth court.12
On 2 February 1663/64 John Pickering appeared on his presentment for not coming to meeting, he alleged no discontent against Mr. Moodey nor dislike of the ordinance, only his great deafness, whereupon the Court desire him to come when he can in warm weather."13
On 28 June 1664 John Pickering sued the town of Portsmouth "for detaining grants of land"; the dispute was referred to appointed arbiters.14
On 17 November 1665 John Pickering the elder of Portsmouth, New Hampshire," deeded to "my son John Pickering the younger ... all that my water grist mill," and "all my neck of land" containing forty acres of upland, with half the dwelling house and half the marsh.15
John Pickering was Portsmouth constable for the year following 25 June 1667.16
On 17 September 1667 "Jno. Pickering Senior for not permitting his servant Hen[ry] Brooking to come to the public ordinance, not proved, Jno. Pickering professing that he did & doth send him, he is discharged."17
On 30 June 1668 John Pickering Senior sued "Ano. Stanniell … in an action of the case for that the said Staniell hath not made good an engagement of £110 upon condition of a marriage of said Staniel's daughter with said Pickering's son: withdrawn."18
In his will, dated 11 January 1668/69, "John Pickern Senior" bequeathed to "my dear son Thomas Pickrin my dwelling house and land adjoining to the Great Bay," along with cattle, household goods and tools; to "my two daughters Rebecah and Abigall I give that fifty pounds due by bill to be paid by Mr. Antony Stanell [Stanyan]" with some livestock, to be divided equally between them; and to "my two daughters Mary & Sarah" livestock to be equally divided between them.19 The inventory of his estate, taken 29 January 1668/9, totalled £303 4s. 6d.19
Administration on the imperfect will of John Pickering was granted to son John Pickering on 29 June 1669.20 The same day "Rebecca Pickering & Abigall Pickering came before this Court and chose Mr. Joshua Moodey to be their guardian. Thomas Pickering being under age & not in legal capacity to choose his guardian, this Court therefore appoints Mr. Joshua Moody to be his guardian."21
Children of John Pickering
- Mary Pickering2 b. s 1643
- John Pickering+22 b. s 1645
- Sarah Pickering2 b. s 1648
- Rebecca Pickering2 b. s 1651
- Abigail Pickering2 b. s 1653
- Thomas Pickering+
1 b. s 1656, d. b 1730
- [S869] Charles Thornton Libby, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire (Portland, Maine: The Southward Press, 1928), 551, 552.
- [S912] "John Pickering", The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633, online, printout dated 2005. Previously published in hard copy (Boston: NEHGS, 1995).
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, 1628-1686, Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, ed., 5 volumes in 6 (Boston 1853-1854) 1: 77.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 1: 87.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, 1628-1686, Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, ed., 5 volumes in 6 (Boston 1853-1854) 1: 164.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, 1628-1686, Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, ed., 5 volumes in 6 (Boston 1853-1854) 1: 172.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 1: 113.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 40: 9.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 40: 132.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 40: 129.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 40: 127.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 40: 142.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 40: 189.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 40: 195, 204.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing New Hampshire Provincial Deeds, New Hampshire Division of Records Management and Archives, Concord, New Hampshire, 2: 146a.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 40: 221, 242, 244.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 40: 230.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 40: 236.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 31: 111.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 31: 112, citing New Hampshire Provincial Deeds, New Hampshire Division of Records Management and Archives, Concord, New Hampshire; NHPP 40: 248.
- [S912] TGMB John Pickering, online, citing Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722, 40 volumes, Nathaniel Boulton, ed. (Manchester, N.H., 1867-1943) 40: 248.
- [S869] Charles Thornton Libby, GDMNH, 551.