Evan Griffith1 
Evan Griffith||p2114.htm|Griffith John|d. 1708|p2111.htm||||John Evan||p2107.htm|Grace|||||||||
2nd cousin 6 times removed of Louise Underwood.
2nd cousin 8 times removed of Laura Jane Munson.
- Family Background:
- Underwood and Allied Families
Evan Griffith was the son of Griffith John.1 He of Gwynedd, Philadelphia County (now Montgomery), Pennsylvania, married Jane Jones, daughter of John Jones and Gwen Evan.1
Additional Data
Evan Griffith witnessed the marriage of Cadwalader Morris and Elizabeth Morgan on 24 3m 1710 (24 May 1710) in Gwynedd Meeting House, Gwynedd, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.2,3
Evan Griffith witnessed the marriage of Squire Boone and Sarah Morgan 23 7m 1720 (23 September 1720) in Gwynedd, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.4,5

Evan Griffith witnessed the marriage of Squire Boone and Sarah Morgan 23 7m 1720 (23 September 1720) in Gwynedd, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.4,5

- [S365] Thomas Allen Glenn, Welsh Founders of Pennsylvania (Oxford: Fox, Jones and Co., 1911-1913; reprint Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1991), 97.
- [S357] Morgan-Morris marriage, 24th day of the 3 month 1710, in Minutes of the Haverford Monthly Meeting, unpaginated, arranged by date, Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.
- [S356] Howard Malcolm Jenkins, Historical collections relating to Gwynedd, a township of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, settled, 1696, by immigrants from Wales, with some data referring to the adjoining township, of Montgomery, also settled by Welsh (Philadelphia: Howard Malcolm Jenkins, 1897), Chapter 12, online. <http://www.gwyneddfriends.org/jenkinschapter12.htm
- [S367] Stuart Baldwin, online <http://sbaldw.home.mindspring.com/e_morgan.htm>, Stuart Baldwin (unknown location), downloaded 2004.
- [S368] Morgan-Boone marriage, 23th day of the 7th month 1720, in Minutes of the Gwynedd Monthly Meeting, unpaginated, arranged by date, Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.