Mary Isabella Richardson1 
b. 13 January 1864, d. 17 June 1932
Mary Isabella Richardson|b. 13 Jan 1864\nd. 17 Jun 1932|p3600.htm|Applewhite W. Richardson|b. 17 Oct 1801\nd. 28 Dec 1875|p3319.htm|Martha E. Stone|b. c 1827|p3574.htm|Applewhite Richardson|b. 1753\nd. 1801|p3247.htm|Nancy (—?—) (Richardson)||p3308.htm|||||||
1st cousin 2 times removed of William Lemuel Horn Jr.
1st cousin 4 times removed of Laura Jane Munson.
- Family Background:
- Horn and Allied Families
Mary Isabella Richardson was born on 13 January 1864 in Johnston County, North Carolina.1 She was the daughter of Applewhite W. Richardson and Martha E. Stone.1 She married Jarrett Broadwell on 15 January 1882 in Johnston County, North Carolina.1 She died on 17 June 1932 in Johnston County, North Carolina, at age 68.1
- [S542] Clois Burton Richardson, online <…>, Richardson (9824 Bancroft Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76126-3205), downloaded 2004.