Munson, Underwood, Horn, Fairfield and Allied Families

Genealogy and Family History of Laura Jane Munson and her brothers Joseph Underwood Munson Jr. and George Kennedy Munson, the children of Joseph Underwood Munson and Ruth Anna Horn, who were born and bred in Brazoria County, "Where Texas Began", and whose ancestors include Munson of South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas; Underwood of Massachusetts and Texas; Horn of North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Oklahoma; Fairfield of Massachusetts, Maine, Indiana and Texas

This effort is in memory of my grandaunt, Miss Laura Underwood, of East Columbia, Texas, who awakened my interest in family history when I was still small enough to sit in her lap. Throughout my childhood I remained an attentive audience as Aunty passed along family lore to yet another generation. When I was ten or eleven, she gave me a collection of memorabilia and family photographs that were kept in an old trunk beside her bed. Already I had spent many happy hours rummaging through that trunk, and I could barely believe my good fortune. Some fifty years later, Aunty's gift to her little namesake inspired the design of this site. Most all of the images (excluding icons) and many of the photographs on the following pages are from that collection.

Family history research is an ongoing effort, and I have undoubtedly made errors of inclusion, exclusion, interpretation and judgement. Furthermore, because the quality of sources varies, so does the quality of information. I therefore urge each person to use his or her own judgement, and verify whenever possible. I am always happy to answer any questions, and welcome any comments, corrections or additional information.

To rummage through our family history, please use the menu in "Aunty's Trunk" - or if the trunk doesn't open, use the expanded menu below.


     Acronyms and Abbreviations


Links Fairfield Family Horn Family Master Index Underwood Family Munson Family
Lulu and Ziggy
We're family, too!
Lulu and Ziggy