John Whitacre1 
b. 11 January 1792
John Whitacre|b. 11 Jan 1792|p10944.htm|Robert Whitacre|b. 30 Sep 1758\nd. 18 Sep 1828|p10840.htm|Patience McKay|b. 9 Feb 1763\nd. 21 Apr 1836|p10852.htm|John Whitacre|b. 14 May 1704\nd. bt 1768 - 1775|p10831.htm|Naomi Hulme|b. c 1713\nd. 1789|p10832.htm|Andrew McKay|||Jane (—?—)|||
1st cousin 4 times removed of William Lemuel Horn Jr.
1st cousin 6 times removed of Laura Jane Munson.
- Family Background:
- Horn and Allied Families
John Whitacre was born 11 1m 1792 (11 January 1792) in Virginia.1 He was the son of Robert Whitacre and Patience McKay.1
Additional Data
Robert and Patience Whitacre and children Andrew, John, Priscilla, Aquila, Jane, Rhoda and Moses were granted certificate to Miami Monthly Meeting, Warren County, Ohio, by Crooked Run Monthly Meeting, Frederick County, Virginia, on 3 1m 1805 (5 January 1805).2
At Miami Monthly Meeting, Warren County, Ohio, on 12 6m 1806 (12 June 1806), John Whitacre, his parents and siblings with the exception of Jonas, were received on certificate from Crooked Run Monthly Meeting dated 5 1m 1805 (5 January 1805).3
John Whitacre was disowned by Miami Monthly Meeting on 30 4m 1817 (30 April 1817) for marrying contrary to discipline.3
At Miami Monthly Meeting, Warren County, Ohio, on 12 6m 1806 (12 June 1806), John Whitacre, his parents and siblings with the exception of Jonas, were received on certificate from Crooked Run Monthly Meeting dated 5 1m 1805 (5 January 1805).3
John Whitacre was disowned by Miami Monthly Meeting on 30 4m 1817 (30 April 1817) for marrying contrary to discipline.3