John Farrow

d. 7 July 1687
7th great-grandfather of Ruth Minerva Fairfield.
9th great-grandfather of Laura Jane Munson.
- Family Background:
- Fairfield and Allied Families
- Appears on charts:
- Pedigree for Ruth Minerva Fairfield
John Farrow married Frances by 1633.1 He died on 7 July 1687 in Hingham, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.2,3 His will was proved on 17 August 1687.1
One of the earliest settlers at Hingham was Daniel Cushing who made "A list of the names of such persons as came out of the town of Hingham, and Towns adjacent in the County of Norfolk, in the Kingdom of England, into New England, and settled in Hingham, in New England..." Cushing was prominent in the affairs of the town and served as Town Clerk and Magistrate. According to Cushing, in 1635 "John Farrow and his wife and child came from Old Hingham, and settled in New Hingham."4
John Farrow was granted land in Hingham as follows: "The several parcels of land and meadow legally given unto John Farro by the town of Hingham": "for a houselot five acres of land", 3 July 1636; "for a planting lot two acres of land lying in Broad Cove Field"; "for a great lot ten acres of land lying upon the great plain in the first furlong eastward from the center"; "one acre of salt marsh lying near strait pond"; "four acres of land lying to the eastward of John Porter's great lot lying by the wayside as you go to Cittuate"; and "one acre of salt marsh at Conye Hassett and it is the second lot on the southeast side of the river."5,6 His house lot was on Town (South) Street.7
John Farrow was a carpenter. (His inventory included "carpenter's tools" valued at 10s. and "cooper's ware and one chest" valued at 13s.).2
John Farrow or his wife, or both, had been admitted to Hingham church by 1639, as evidenced by the baptism of their children.8
On 7 March 1680/81, Samuel Baker of Hull, planter, sold to "the 13 owners of the cornmill & sawmill now built at the Straits Pond, in proportion to their several parts & interest in the said mills ... one acre & half & about one rod of meadow" in Hull; one of the mill owners was John Farrow of Hingham, who held one-sixteenth part.9
In his will, dated 28 March 1687, and signed by mark, "John Farrow Senior of Hingham ..., carpenter," bequeathed to "Frances Farrow my well beloved wife the use of all my house, lands and meadows which I am now possessed of in said Hingham for and during the term of her natural life," also all moveables for life; to "my son John Farrow," £5; to "my son Nathan Farrow all my said houses and lands and meadows which I am now possessed of in said Hingham after the death of my said wife"; to "Mary Garnett (the wife of John Garnett) my grandchild the feather bed that I now lie upon with all the furniture belonging to it"; to "my daughter Mary Stowell," a cow; to "my daughter Remember Ward the wife of Henry Ward," a cow and an oak chest; to "my grandchild Frances Ward," a box; to "Nathan Ward my grandchild," a bed; "my son Nathan Farrow" to be sole executor and residuary legatee.1
The inventory of the estate of "John Farrow, carpenter, late of Hingham in the County of Suffolk in New England deceased, who departed this natural life the seventh day of July Anno Domini 1687," taken 9 August 1687, totalled £78 14s., of which £57 was real estate: "his house, orchard and meadow by his house," £32; "three acres of land at a place called the World's End," £11; "one acre of salt marsh," £10; and "one acre and an half of fresh meadow," £4. Also included in the inventory was "one barrel of a gun" valued at 3s.2
One of the earliest settlers at Hingham was Daniel Cushing who made "A list of the names of such persons as came out of the town of Hingham, and Towns adjacent in the County of Norfolk, in the Kingdom of England, into New England, and settled in Hingham, in New England..." Cushing was prominent in the affairs of the town and served as Town Clerk and Magistrate. According to Cushing, in 1635 "John Farrow and his wife and child came from Old Hingham, and settled in New Hingham."4
John Farrow was granted land in Hingham as follows: "The several parcels of land and meadow legally given unto John Farro by the town of Hingham": "for a houselot five acres of land", 3 July 1636; "for a planting lot two acres of land lying in Broad Cove Field"; "for a great lot ten acres of land lying upon the great plain in the first furlong eastward from the center"; "one acre of salt marsh lying near strait pond"; "four acres of land lying to the eastward of John Porter's great lot lying by the wayside as you go to Cittuate"; and "one acre of salt marsh at Conye Hassett and it is the second lot on the southeast side of the river."5,6 His house lot was on Town (South) Street.7
John Farrow was a carpenter. (His inventory included "carpenter's tools" valued at 10s. and "cooper's ware and one chest" valued at 13s.).2
John Farrow or his wife, or both, had been admitted to Hingham church by 1639, as evidenced by the baptism of their children.8
On 7 March 1680/81, Samuel Baker of Hull, planter, sold to "the 13 owners of the cornmill & sawmill now built at the Straits Pond, in proportion to their several parts & interest in the said mills ... one acre & half & about one rod of meadow" in Hull; one of the mill owners was John Farrow of Hingham, who held one-sixteenth part.9
In his will, dated 28 March 1687, and signed by mark, "John Farrow Senior of Hingham ..., carpenter," bequeathed to "Frances Farrow my well beloved wife the use of all my house, lands and meadows which I am now possessed of in said Hingham for and during the term of her natural life," also all moveables for life; to "my son John Farrow," £5; to "my son Nathan Farrow all my said houses and lands and meadows which I am now possessed of in said Hingham after the death of my said wife"; to "Mary Garnett (the wife of John Garnett) my grandchild the feather bed that I now lie upon with all the furniture belonging to it"; to "my daughter Mary Stowell," a cow; to "my daughter Remember Ward the wife of Henry Ward," a cow and an oak chest; to "my grandchild Frances Ward," a box; to "Nathan Ward my grandchild," a bed; "my son Nathan Farrow" to be sole executor and residuary legatee.1
The inventory of the estate of "John Farrow, carpenter, late of Hingham in the County of Suffolk in New England deceased, who departed this natural life the seventh day of July Anno Domini 1687," taken 9 August 1687, totalled £78 14s., of which £57 was real estate: "his house, orchard and meadow by his house," £32; "three acres of land at a place called the World's End," £11; "one acre of salt marsh," £10; and "one acre and an half of fresh meadow," £4. Also included in the inventory was "one barrel of a gun" valued at 3s.2
Children of John Farrow and Frances (—?—) (Farrow)
- Mary Farrow+
8 b. 22 Sep 1633
- John Farrow+10 b. 6 Jun 1639, d. 27 Jan 1715/16
- Remember Farrow+11 b. Aug 1642
- Hannah Farrow12 b. 9 Apr 1648
- Nathan Farrow+13 b. 17 Sep 1654, d. 18 Oct 1715
- [S713] "John Farrow", citing Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Probate Records, 10:81-82, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633, online, printout dated 2002. Previously published in hard copy (Boston: NEHGS, 1995).
- [S713] TGMB Farrow, online, citing Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Probate Records, 10:83.
- [S761] The New England Historical and Genealogical Register; (Online database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001), (Orig. Pub. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, MA. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 148 vols., 1847-1994) 121:271, "old John ffarow died."
- [S761] NEHGR, 15:25.
- [S713] TGMB Farrow, online, citing Hingham, Massachusetts, Book of Possessions (original), 60v.
- [S761] NEHGR, 2:251, mentions only that John Farrow was granted lands in Hingham in 1636.
- [S712] George Lincoln, History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts, 3 volumes (1893; reprint Somersworth, New Hampshire:, 1982), 2:215.
- [S713] TGMB Farrow, online.
- [S713] TGMB Farrow, online, citing Suffolk Deeds, Volumes 1 through 14 (Boston 1880-1906), 14:68-70. Citations to later volumes are from the microfilm copies of the originals.
- [S761] NEHGR, 121:11.
- [S761] NEHGR, 121:15.
- [S761] NEHGR, 121:20.
- [S761] NEHGR, 121:104.