Sarah Trott1 
Sarah Trott||p9449.htm|Simon Trott|||Elizabeth Batson|d. b 8 Mar 1673/74|p9439.htm|||||||Stephen Batson|d. 30 Jun 1676|p9433.htm|Elizabeth (—?—) (Batson)|d. b 8 Mar 1673/74|p9434.htm|
1st cousin 7 times removed of Ruth Minerva Fairfield.
1st cousin 9 times removed of Laura Jane Munson.
- Family Background:
- Fairfield and Allied Families
Sarah Trott was the daughter of Simon Trott and Elizabeth Batson.1 She married William Ashley, son of William Ashley, before 8 March 1673/74; when she is called Sarah Ashley in her grandfather's will.2,3
Additional Data
Sarah Ashley was mentioned in her grandfather Stephen Batson's will dated 8 March 1673/74 in Wells, York County, Maine.2 

- [S869] Charles Thornton Libby, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire (Portland, Maine: The Southward Press, 1928), 82.
- [S875] William M. Sargent, comp. and ed., Maine Wills. 1640-1760 (Portland, Maine: Maine Historical Society, 1887; reprint Baltimore: Inc. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1996), 34-35, citing Court Records G, 46.
- [S869] Charles Thornton Libby, GDMNH, 67.