John Lovett1

b. say 1636, d. 10 September 1727
John Lovett|b. s 1636\nd. 10 Sep 1727|p9074.htm|John Lovett|b. s 1610\nd. 5 Nov 1686|p9076.htm|Mary Grant|b. s 1615\nd. Jun 1695|p9077.htm|||||||||||||
6th great-grandfather of Ruth Minerva Fairfield.
8th great-grandfather of Laura Jane Munson.
- Family Background:
- Fairfield and Allied Families
- Appears on charts:
- Pedigree for Ruth Minerva Fairfield
John Lovett was born say 1636 in England. He was the son of John Lovett and Mary Grant.1 He married Bethiah Rootes, daughter of Josiah Rootes and Susanna (—?—) (Rootes). He died on 10 September 1727 at Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, at about age 91.1,2
Additional Data
At Salem Quarterly Court in June 1676, reference was made to an agreement reached 28: 6: 1665 ( 28 August 1665) by the following inhabitants of the field on Cape Ann side (Beverly): William dickse, Samuel Corning, Josiah Roots, sr., Thomas Pickton, John Galley, henery Bayley, John lovet, jr., Thomas Tuck, Richard Stackhouse, hugh Woodbury by William dixey, William hoare by John Galleys, Richard haines, Thomas Chub, John Stone (or his son John Stone), and Raph Ellingwood.3
Joseph Harris appealled a 1669 verdict in favor of "Josiah Roote," who Harris had accused of stealing a calf. Harris appealled the judgement, and in March 1670, the former judgement was confirmed by the Ipswich Quarterly Court. Several of the depositions, all sworn to on 24 November 1669, are of particular interest:
When several neighbors came under suspicion of receiving stolen goods from Mr. Hale's maid, Margaret Lord,, John Lovet, jr. deposed, aged about forty years; sworn in court 25 June 1678 at Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts; When several neighbors came under suspicion of receiving stolen goods from Mr. Hale's maid, Margaret Lord, Josiah Rootes complained to the court in a written statement dated 25 June 1678, that "for neare twenty years together we haue ben Aflicted by hauing owr goods stollen At sundri time And we not Abell To make due profe haue ben forsed To sufer owr seuellfes To be wrownged in estat And name: And god by his prouidens hauing latlie discouered sum of Theas wokes of darknes wee Judg yt. To be owre duty To speake in vindicasion of Truth and Conuictccion of sine.... He deposed in Salem Court that same month, aged about 65, and again, aged about 60, as did his wife.7
In July 1678, John Lovet, jr. and Joseph Rootes (probably Josiah Rootes or Josiah Rootes) were witnesses against William Hoare and his son Samuel for neglecting the public ordinances. John Lovet, jr. deposed that they did not go to meeting when at home and in health, and also went walking abroad when meeting was over.8
John Lovet, jr. was tythingman of Beverly in 1679.9
John Lovett served on the trial jury in 1680.10
John Lovett, aged about forty-five years, testified regarding the land in a controversy between his brother-in-law Thomas Roots of Boston and Henery Keyne of Salem that he had heard his father-in-law Josiah Roots often say that the land he sold to Keny was his brother Thomas' land. Further he had heard said Josiah own that his brother Thomas had given the land to deponent's brother-in-law Thomas, the plaintiff. Also Josiah often said that he had sold to Keny his son's land and would make him satisfaction; which he did by will giving him a great part of his land and a pair of oxen. Sworn in [Ipswich Quarterly] court in September 1683.11
John Lovet and Bethiah Lovet, his wife, each aged forty years, testified in Salem Quarterly Court in November 1683.12
John Lovett was a member of the Grand Jury at the court held at Salem, 24: 4: 1684 (24 June 1684).13
John Lovett was mentioned in his father John Lovett's will dated 8 November 1686.1
John Lovett was chosen for the grand jury by the town of Beverly for the impending witchcraft cases:
(Warrant to the Town of Beverly)
These are in their Maj'ties Names to requrie you forthwith to assemble the free Holders and others the Inhabitants of your Towne who are hereby, allso required to Choose foure Good and Lawfull men of the same Towne Each whereof to have a reall Estate of fourty shillings p Annum or a psonall Estate of fifty pounds to serve as Jurors two upon the Grand Jury and Two upon the Jury of Tryalls at a Court of Assises & Gen'll Goal Delivery to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on Tusday the third day of Janua' next Ensuing the day of the date hereof w'ch psons so Chosen you are to sumons to attend the said Court by nine of the Clock in the morning of the said Day. and make returne hereof with the names of the said psons the day before the said Court and hereof not to faile. Dated in Boston the Twenty third day of Decemb'r 1692
To the Constable or Constables of Beverley or either of them
p Cur&periodbar;
*Jona' Elatson Cler.
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 88 )
(Return of the Town of Beverly)
Beverly January the 2'd 1692
these are to certifie such Honor'd gentel men as may bee Concerned, that in the persuance of the within written the Inhabytance of our Towne beeing Asembled togeather on the 2'nd of this instant have made choice of John Louit se[N]'r and Roberd Cue for the grand Jury and Samuel Morgan and Edmong Gale for the Jury of Tryals to attend the service of the court within named --
p'r *John Conant
Constable of Beverly
The above s'd persons I have allso summonsd to ated according to the with in written
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 89 ).14
Joseph Harris appealled a 1669 verdict in favor of "Josiah Roote," who Harris had accused of stealing a calf. Harris appealled the judgement, and in March 1670, the former judgement was confirmed by the Ipswich Quarterly Court. Several of the depositions, all sworn to on 24 November 1669, are of particular interest:
Susanah Haskin, wife of Roger Hoskin, aged about twenty-two years, testified that she had helped to put this heifer into the house for her father Josiah Roote and she heard this heifer bleat down at Joseph Harris' house, etc.He was Constable of Beverly in 1670, 1671 and 1673.5,6
John Lovet, jr., aged about thirty-two years, deposed about the marks, and that he helped his father Roote put the heifers over to Rialle side, etc.
Goody Lovet, wife of John Lovet, deposed that her father Josiah Roote, etc.4
When several neighbors came under suspicion of receiving stolen goods from Mr. Hale's maid, Margaret Lord,, John Lovet, jr. deposed, aged about forty years; sworn in court 25 June 1678 at Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts; When several neighbors came under suspicion of receiving stolen goods from Mr. Hale's maid, Margaret Lord, Josiah Rootes complained to the court in a written statement dated 25 June 1678, that "for neare twenty years together we haue ben Aflicted by hauing owr goods stollen At sundri time And we not Abell To make due profe haue ben forsed To sufer owr seuellfes To be wrownged in estat And name: And god by his prouidens hauing latlie discouered sum of Theas wokes of darknes wee Judg yt. To be owre duty To speake in vindicasion of Truth and Conuictccion of sine.... He deposed in Salem Court that same month, aged about 65, and again, aged about 60, as did his wife.7
In July 1678, John Lovet, jr. and Joseph Rootes (probably Josiah Rootes or Josiah Rootes) were witnesses against William Hoare and his son Samuel for neglecting the public ordinances. John Lovet, jr. deposed that they did not go to meeting when at home and in health, and also went walking abroad when meeting was over.8
John Lovet, jr. was tythingman of Beverly in 1679.9
John Lovett served on the trial jury in 1680.10
John Lovett, aged about forty-five years, testified regarding the land in a controversy between his brother-in-law Thomas Roots of Boston and Henery Keyne of Salem that he had heard his father-in-law Josiah Roots often say that the land he sold to Keny was his brother Thomas' land. Further he had heard said Josiah own that his brother Thomas had given the land to deponent's brother-in-law Thomas, the plaintiff. Also Josiah often said that he had sold to Keny his son's land and would make him satisfaction; which he did by will giving him a great part of his land and a pair of oxen. Sworn in [Ipswich Quarterly] court in September 1683.11
John Lovet and Bethiah Lovet, his wife, each aged forty years, testified in Salem Quarterly Court in November 1683.12
John Lovett was a member of the Grand Jury at the court held at Salem, 24: 4: 1684 (24 June 1684).13
John Lovett was mentioned in his father John Lovett's will dated 8 November 1686.1
John Lovett was chosen for the grand jury by the town of Beverly for the impending witchcraft cases:
(Warrant to the Town of Beverly)
These are in their Maj'ties Names to requrie you forthwith to assemble the free Holders and others the Inhabitants of your Towne who are hereby, allso required to Choose foure Good and Lawfull men of the same Towne Each whereof to have a reall Estate of fourty shillings p Annum or a psonall Estate of fifty pounds to serve as Jurors two upon the Grand Jury and Two upon the Jury of Tryalls at a Court of Assises & Gen'll Goal Delivery to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on Tusday the third day of Janua' next Ensuing the day of the date hereof w'ch psons so Chosen you are to sumons to attend the said Court by nine of the Clock in the morning of the said Day. and make returne hereof with the names of the said psons the day before the said Court and hereof not to faile. Dated in Boston the Twenty third day of Decemb'r 1692
To the Constable or Constables of Beverley or either of them
p Cur&periodbar;
*Jona' Elatson Cler.
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 88 )
(Return of the Town of Beverly)
Beverly January the 2'd 1692
these are to certifie such Honor'd gentel men as may bee Concerned, that in the persuance of the within written the Inhabytance of our Towne beeing Asembled togeather on the 2'nd of this instant have made choice of John Louit se[N]'r and Roberd Cue for the grand Jury and Samuel Morgan and Edmong Gale for the Jury of Tryals to attend the service of the court within named --
p'r *John Conant
Constable of Beverly
The above s'd persons I have allso summonsd to ated according to the with in written
( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 89 ).14
Children of John Lovett and Bethiah Rootes
- Simon Lovett+
1 b. 1659, d. 2 Feb 1744
- John Lovett+2 b. s 1667, d. Apr 1750
- Susanna Lovett2 b. 31 May 1668
- Josiah Lovett2 b. 25 Apr 1669
- Thomas Lovett+2 b. 25 Sep 1671
- Samuel Lovett+2 b. 25 Apr 1675
- Benjamin Lovett+2 b. 3 Mar 1678, d. 10 Jun 1740
- Bethiah Lovett+2 b. 4 Jun 1682
- [S850] Frank Nelson Hall, A Lovett Genealogy (Denton, Texas:, 1965), 6.
- [S851] Topsfield Historical Society, Vital Records of Beverly, Massachusetts to the Year 1950 (Salem, Massachusetts: Topsfield Historical Society, 1906-1907).
- [S855] George Francis Dow, ed., Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, 9 vols. (Salem: Essex Institute, 1911-1973). Transcribed and Abstracted from the Original Manuscript by Harriet S. Tapley, VI: 147.
- [S855] George Francis Dow, Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, IV: 216, 217.
- [S855] George Francis Dow, Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, IV: 324, 331, 375, 391, 415.
- [S855] George Francis Dow, Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, V: 218, 221, 257, 259.
- [S855] George Francis Dow, Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, VII: 42-54.
- [S855] George Francis Dow, Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, VII: 81.
- [S855] George Francis Dow, Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, VII: 227.
- [S855] George Francis Dow, Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, VII: 384, 420.
- [S855] George Francis Dow, Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, IX: 88.
- [S855] George Francis Dow, Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, IX: 107.
- [S855] George Francis Dow, Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, IX: 236.
- [S856] Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum, eds., Verbatim Transcripts of the Legal Documents of the Salem Witchcraft Outbreak of 1692, 3 vols. (online <…>: University of Virginia, 2003), 894, 895.